- 发布日期:2023-12-31 07:26 点击次数:157
Messaging Port
消息传递端口是可选接口(消息也可以组合到I / O端口上,并使用Vivado集成设计环境(IDE)设置视为写入事务)。单独的Messaging端口遵循Initiator / Target样式。
Initiator / Target端口样式允许将针对远程设备的事务与针对本地端点的事务分开。图2-5详细说明了Messaging端口。
来自远程设备的由Serial RapidIO核心接收的请求显示在消息目标请求(msgtreq)端口上。由用户设计生成的对这些请求的响应被放置在消息目标响应(msgtresp)端口上。
Table 2-6 shows the signals associated with the Messaging port. At the level, the following signals are associated with these interfaces:
• s_axis_msgireq* are associated with MSGIREQ.
• m_axis_msgiresp* are associated with MSGIRESP.
• m_axis_msgtreq* are associated with MSGTREQ.
• s_axis_msgtresp* are associated with MSGTRESP.
来自远程设备的由Serial RapidIO核心接收的请求显示在消息目标请求(msgtreq)端口上。由用户设计生成的对这些请求的响应被放置在消息目标响应(msgtresp)端口上。
Table 2-6 shows the signals associated with the Messaging port. At the level, the following signals are associated with these interfaces:
• s_axis_msgireq* are associated with MSGIREQ.
• m_axis_msgiresp* are associated with MSGIRESP.
• m_axis_msgtreq* are associated with MSGTREQ.
• s_axis_msgtresp* are associated with MSGTRESP.
s_axis_msgireq_tvalid 本地逻辑层Message接口上发起的请求信息是有效的。(输入)
s_axis_msgireq_tready :
s_axis_msgireq_tdata[63:0] :
s_axis_msgireq_tkeep[7:0] :
s_axis_msgireq_tlast :
s_axis_msgireq_tuser[31:0] :
8位器件ID, 芯片交易网IC交易网每个ID的最高有效字节应填充0。
在数据包中的后续节拍中, ATMEGA系列ATMEL芯片COM保留此字段。(输入)
m_axis_msgiresp_tvalid Output Indicates that the information on the interface is valid.
m_axis_msgiresp_tready Input Handshaking signal. Indicates that the data from the source is accepted (if valid).
m_axis_msgiresp_tdata[63:0] Output Packet header and data.
m_axis_msgiresp_tkeep[7:0] Output Byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of data is valid. For HELLO ports, 电子元器件PDF资料大全 this must be tied to 8’hFF.
m_axis_msgiresp_tlast Output Indicates the last beat of a packet.
m_axis_msgiresp_tuser[31:0] Output
On the first beat of a packet, EEPROM带电可擦可编程存储器芯片大全 this signal consists of the Source ID (31:16) and Destination ID (15:0) for the packet. If using
8-bit Device IDs,CMOS图像传感器集成电路芯片 the most significant byte of each ID should be padded with 0s.
On subsequent beats within a packet, this field is reserved.
m_axis_msgtreq_tvalid Output Indicates that the information on the interface is valid.
m_axis_msgtreq_tready Input Handshaking signal. Indicates that the data from the source is accepted (if valid).
m_axis_msgtreq_tdata[63:0] Output Packet header and data.
m_axis_msgtreq_tkeep[7:0] Output Byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of data is valid. For HELLO ports, this must be tied to 8’hFF.
m_axis_msgtreq_tlast Output Indicates the last beat of a packet.
m_axis_msgtreq_tuser[31:0] Output On the first beat of a packet, this signal consists of the Source ID (31:16) and Destination ID (15:0) for the packet. If using 8-bit Device IDs, the most significant byte of each ID should be padded with 0s.
On subsequent beats within a packet, this field is reserved.
s_axis_msgtresp_tvalid Input Indicates that the information on the interface is valid.
s_axis_msgtresp_tready Output Handshaking signal. Indicates that the data from the source is accepted (if valid).
s_axis_msgtresp_tdata[63:0] Input Packet header and data.
s_axis_msgtresp_tkeep[7:0] Input Byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of data is valid. For HELLO ports, this must be tied to 8’hFF.
s_axis_msgtresp_tlast Input Indicates the last beat of a packet.
s_axis_msgtresp_tuser[31:0] Input On the first beat of a packet, this signal consists of the Source ID (31:16) and Destination ID (15:0) for the packet. If using 8-bit Device IDs, the most significant byte of each ID should be padded with 0s.
On subsequent beats within a packet, this field is reserved.
User-Defined Port
用户定义的端口仅使用SRIO Stream格式。用户定义端口如图2-6所示。
表2-7列出了与用户定义端口关联的信号。s_axis_usrtx *信号与USER_IO_TX接口相关联,m_axis_usrrx *与级别的USER_IO_RX接口相关联。
Maintenance Port
如果启用了 "维护" 端口, 则它将使用 AXI4-LITE 接口。AXI4-LITE 接口允许用户应用程序定位本地或远程配置空间。
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